OAK HARBOR: Remember the days of flipping through an old textbook (FB)



Oak Harbor Public Schools

Oak Harbor Public Schools posted this this to its Facebook page on .

📚️Remember the days of flipping through an old textbook and finding a relative’s name inside? Times have changed—most of our curriculum is now online, accessible through technology and Chromebooks. As education evolves, so do the costs, and state funding for Materials, Supplies, and Operating Costs (MSOC) hasn’t kept pace. We have a projected $5 million gap over the next year in these expenses to keep our technology and curriculum current.

Our local levy bridges the gap, ensuring students have the tools they need for modern careers and higher education.

🗳️Learn more about the levy renewal on the February 11 special election ballot: www.ohsd.net/levy

  • February 9, 2025