SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Langley’s mask proclamation extended

South Whidbey Record

The Langley City Council will be keeping up their mask mandate for the foreseeable future. This despite guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicating that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 can resume activities without masking or physical distancing. Mayor Tim Callison said he had received a number of letters asking for a continuation of his proclamation concerning face coverings and that he has decided he will not be ditching it anytime soon.

In discussions concerning the mandate, councilmember Thomas Gill said “If we were in a different community, structural-wise, I’d be all for saying we ditch the mandate, but with Langley the way it is — with small sidewalks, close quarters, businesses that open right onto the street that are already going to have the mask requirements — I think it would behoove us to keep it in place for the time being.”

Councilmembers Christy Korrow and Craig Cyr also advocated for keeping the proclamation in place. For all the details, see the story by Kira Erickson in the South Whidbey Record.

On the Ballot in November 2021:

  • City Councilmember, Position 1: Kay Kenneweg vs. Harolynne Bobis. (Incumbent Christy Korrow is not running for re-election.)
  • City Councilmember, Position 2: Rhonda Salerno is running unopposed. (Incumbent Dominique Emerson is not running for re-election.)
  • City Councilmember, Position 5: Tony L. Gill vs. Scott Chaplin. (Incumbent Peter Morton is not running for re-election.

  • May 21, 2021