HOSPITAL DISTRICT: Agenda for Apr. 6, 2023 work session (WHIDBEYHEALTH)

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On Mon., Apr. 3, 2023, WhidbeyHealth Executive Assistant John Gleason emailed the agenda for the regularly-scheduled work session of the Hospital District board of commissioners. The meeting will be held from 2:00 – 4:00 PM on Thu., Apr. 6, 2023 via Zoom webinar.

  • Call to Order/Points of Order (Commissioner Wallin)
  • Public Comments
  • Board Items (Commissioner Wallin)
    • Approval of contracts
    • Resolution #455 – Bank Signing Authority – Nathan Staggs
    • Amendment to the HealthTech Contract
    • Board Committee Assignments

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  • HealthTech Update (Carolyn St. Charles)
  • Administrative Items
    • Executive Updates (Nathan Staggs)
    • Financial Updates (Paul Rogers)
    • Facilities Update (Tim Waldner)
  • Commissioner Comments
  • Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting (President Wallin)
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment

On the Ballot in November 2023

Commissioners: Two of the five commissioner positions are on the ballot. Hospital commissioners serve six-year terms. In addition, due to resignation, a third position may also be on the ballot.
Position 1: Morgan Cooper.
Commissioner Cooper was appointed in Feb. 2023 after the resignation of Grethe Cammermeyer. This election will be to fill the remainder of Cammermeyer’s full term, which ends Dec. 31, 2023, and the succeeding six-year term, which ends Dec. 31, 2029.
Position 4: Gregory Richardson.
Commissioner Richardson was appointed in Oct. 2022 after the resignation of Nancyjean Fey. The position will be on the ballot in 2023 to fill the remainder of Fey’s term, which expires on Dec. 31, 2025.
Position 5: Eric E. Anderson
  • April 3, 2023