OAK HARBOR: May 16, 2023 City Council Workshop Recap (CoOH)

City of Oak Harbor

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on May 17, 2023.

May 2, 2023 City Council Meeting Recap


Approved as presented. 


Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon read the National Public Works Week proclamation for the 63rd annual National Public Works Week during May 21-27. 


The Council received two public comments in advance of the meeting regarding dog parks and appreciating Utilities Counter staff customer service. An additional comment was received during the meeting from local Oak Harbor High School Debate Team students regarding roads, sidewalks, traffic signals, and accessibility. 


The following items were approved as presented:

  • Approval of Minutes –City Council Meeting of May 2, 2023
  • Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers


Available as part of the meeting video on YouTube. 

Note, Chief Dresker also read an article about National Police Week. The article is available at this link.  


City Administrator Oborn presented the Consideration of Applications for Vacated Council Position 4 and creation of a Short-list for Interviews. The applicants include John Chaszar, Barbara Thompson Armes, Kelly M. Beedle, Earl (Andy) Plumlee, Wismine D’Avilar, John Morrison, Christopher John Wiegenstein, and Teresa Addison. A ninth applicant, Cecil Pierce withdrew his application prior to the meeting. Recommended action was a short-list of three to five applicants for interviewing on May 24, 2023. He noted Council may use a scoring system or motion to create a shortlist. Councilmembers provided their list of top five to the City Clerk. The top four vote recipients were Wismine D’Avilar, who received six votes, John Chaszar and Christopher Wiegenstein received five votes, and Barbara Armes received four votes. Councilmember Stucky made the motion to move forward with the top four applicants Wismine D’Avilar, John Chaszar, Christopher Wiegenstein, and Barbara Armes, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The vote passed unanimously. 

City Administrator Oborn confirmed the City would be contacting the four applicants for interviews during the City Council Workshop on May 24 at 2 pm. 


  • Councilmember Stucky encouraged anyone to participate on Boards, Commissions, and Committees. 
  • Councilmember Woessner agreed with Councilmember Stucky and shared the process via the application on the City website. He also commended the number of people that stepped forward to serve and thanked the high school students for commenting about City streets and provided updates for upcoming projects. He responded to the comment about the dog parks and shared a recent discussion at the last Park Board meeting. 
  • Councilmember Munns thanked the candidates for filling out the application and encouraged them to consider serving on a commission. She also, encouraged students to sign up for commissions and run for elected office. She mentioned Island Transit’s new services also include stops at local parks. 
  • Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon reminded the public and those in attendance to complete the Active Transportation Plan survey on the City website (oakharbor.gov/atp). 
  • Councilmember Hoffmire thanked Parks and Recreation staff for turning on the Shipwreck Shores Splash Park this weekend.  

Mayor Severns asked Chief Dresker to respond. Chief Dresker thanked Councilmember Munns for her comments about Sgt. Valenzuela. He also thanked Larry Munns and Youth Sailing for their work to assist an individual with mental illness that needed assistance in Oak Harbor Bay near the Marina. The Youth Sailing rescue boat assisted police in retrieving the individual from the water. 


Ordinance No. 1970 – Amending Oak Harbor Municipal Code Section 20.04.100, Thresholds for categorical exemptions. 

Senior Planner Dennis LeFevre provided an overview of the SEPA local tool requirements and exemptions. He reviewed the proposed amendments to Oak Harbor Municipal Code (OHMC) 20.04.100 and how the City compares to others in Washington. No public comment was received. Councilmember Woessner made the motion to recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 1970, amending Oak Harbor Municipal Code Section 20.04.100 – Thresholds for categorical exemptions, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The vote passed unanimously. 


Resolution 23-09: WA Archives Technology Tools Grant Application

Finance Grants Coordinator Wendy Horn presented the update on the previous grant to organize the records room, the technology tools grant application details, and request for approval to apply for a grant to purchase Laserfiche to organize electronic records and reduce paper records. Councilmember Stucky moved to adopt Resolution 23-09, authorizing the Mayor to approve an application for a Technology Tools grant from the Washington State Archives, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The vote passed unanimously.

Resolution 23-11:  USFS Urban & Community Forestry Grant Application

Finance Grants Coordinator Wendy Horn presented the United States Forestry Service (USFS) grant application for up to two-million-dollars and reviewed potential projects the City plans to utilize the funds for during the five-year grant period. Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon made the motion to approve Resolution 23-11, authorizing the Mayor to approve a grant application to the USFS Urban & Community Forestry Program for up to $2,000,000, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The vote passed unanimously. 


West Whidbey Avenue Utility Improvements Project Award

City Engineer Alex Warner presented the project details (three projects rolled into one contract) and bids. The responsive and responsible low bidder was C. Johnson Construction. Councilmember Stucky made the motion to award the contract for West Whidbey Utility Replacement project to the low bidder C. Johnson Construction in the amount of $1,709,090.86 and authorize the Public Works Director to sign change orders up to $225,000.00 in total, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The vote passed unanimously. 

Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with North Whidbey Pool, Park, and Recreation District for Mowing

City Administrator Blaine Oborn presented the proposed interlocal agreement for mowing between the City of Oak Harbor and North Whidbey Pool, Park, and Recreation District (NWPPRD) for $2,000 annually beginning June 1 and continuing through December 31, 2024. Public comment from NWPPRD Executive Director Jay Cochran explained the mowing requirements, cost savings, and desire to receive support from Council to approve this agreement to save taxpayer money overall. Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon made the motion to approve the interlocal agreement with NWPPRD to provide mowing around the pool facility, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The vote passed four to one with Councilmember Marshall voting against. Councilmember Hoffmire’s vote did not count towards the vote in the official minutes per City Attorney Hillary Evans because of his employment at NWPPRD. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:41 pm.


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center.

Watch the City Council Meeting on YouTube

On the Ballot in November 2023

City Council: Four of five council positions are on the ballot.
Position 1: Tara Hizon
Councilwoman Hizon filed with the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) to run for re-election.

Position 2: Beth Munns
Christopher Wiegenstein, a commissioner with the North Whidbey Pool, Park and Recreation District, filed with the Public Disclosure Commission in April to run for a City Council seat, but did not specify which position. During Filing Week, he filed to run for this seat. Former mayoral candidate Patrick Harman and Andy Plumlee, who was not selected for the Position 4 vacancy, have also filed for this seat.

Position 3: Eric Marshall.
Councilman Marshall was appointed after the resignation of Jeff Mack. This election will be for the remainder of Mack’s full term, which ends Dec. 31, 2023, and the succeeding four-year full term, which ends Dec. 31, 2027.

Position 4: Christopher Wiegenstein
Councilman Wiegenstein was appointed after the resignation of Dan Evans. This election will be for the remainder of Evans’ full term, which ends Dec. 31, 2025. announced his intention to apply for vacancy and run for the council on Apr. 28, 2023. Three of the shortlisted applicants, Barbara Armes, John Chaszar, and Wismine D’Avilar, have filed to run for the seat.
MayorBob Severns
Mayor Severns announced that he will not run for another term. Craig Nurvic, Councilman Shane Hoffmire, Oak Harbor businessmen Ronnie Wright and Nick Green filed to run during Filing Week.
  • May 16, 2023