LEGISLATURE 2023-24: Transportation Updates (DAVE PAUL)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent out the following email from his campaign account on Sun., Jul. 23, 2023.


Our community has unique transportation needs, which is why I requested to serve on the House Transportation Committee when I was elected to the Washington State Legislature in 2018. This past year, I was selected to be Vice Chair of the Transportation Committee, which has provided me with a greater opportunity to shape the state’s transportation priorities and advocate for our community.  

Ferries are very important to our community, as many of us rely on them for work, healthcare appointments, and educational opportunities. Washington State Ferries are also critical to local businesses, helping to bring supplies and visitors to our community. I’ve made strengthening ferry service a central part of my legislative agenda, serving as Co-Chair of the Ferry Caucus and on the House Transportation Committee. 

Earlier this month, I met with U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg when he visited the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal to speak with our local leaders about investments we’re making to our ferry infrastructure. We had a great discussion on the need to modernize our system with new hybrid ferries that will provide a greener, more reliable commute.  

These new hybrid ferries will not only reduce pollution, but hybrid ferries will significantly lower operating costs as they do not need to rely solely on diesel fuel. We’ve seen energy prices spike because of global conflicts and corporate price gouging, and it’s more important than ever that we transition off fossil fuels. As diesel prices have skyrocketed, we should focus on ways to save taxpayer dollars by reducing fuel costs—and hybrid ferries will do just that. 

I also met with leaders from Island Transit about their work to transition to a zero-emission fleet—and get an update on how the funds I helped secure from the Move Ahead Washington transportation package will be used to purchase electric and hydrogen power transit vehicles for our community. These vehicles will help reduce greenhouse gases while providing residents with more community options. 

I will continue to look for ways to advocate for our community in the next legislative session.  

As always, it’s an honor to serve as your state representative. 


[Ed. Note: Donation button omitted here.]

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  • July 23, 2023