OAK HARBOR: August 2, 2023 City Council Recap (CoOH)

City of Oak Harbor

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Thu., Aug. 3, 2023.


Approved as presented. 

Mayor Severns presided over the meeting.

Councilmember Hoffmire made the motion for Council to excuse Councilmember Munns from the meeting, seconded by Councilmember Wiegenstein. The motion passed unanimously. 


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County Annual Report

Executive Director Tiffany Scribner presented the report including options for how the community can get involved to support programs. 


The Council received public comments in advance of the meeting regarding traffic and Windjammer Park Splash Pad. An additional comment was received during the meeting regarding utility bill charges.  


The following items were approved as presented:

  1. Approval of Minutes – July 11, 2023 City Council Meeting and July 26, 2023 Council Workshop
  2. Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers
  3. Appointment:  Park Board Position 3 – Kate Rose
  4. Purchase Authorization – Skid Steer


Councilmember Hoffmire commented on the National Night Out event and seeing South Whidbey Fire participate. Requested Council might want to consider changing summer meeting dates to not conflict with the Sounds of Summer Concert Series.

Councilmember Stucky asked Public Works Director Steve Schuller to explain what is happening with the Splash Park and what is the cost of stormwater to address the public comment about utility bill charges. Public Works Director Schuller explained that water rates are based on consumption. Stormwater charges are based on compliance for the permit projects and costs. It does not have to do with the amount of rainwater we receive. 


Continuation of Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 1979 – Franchise Agreement with Comcast Cable Communications, LLC

City Administrator Blaine Oborn presented an update and requested Council continue the public hearing to a future meeting on September 5, 2023. Councilmember Stucky made the motion to continue the public hearing for Ordinance No. 1979 – Franchise Agreement with Comcast Cable Communications, LLC to September 5, 2023, seconded by Councilmember Wiegenstein. The motion passed unanimously. 


Resolution 23-17: Department of Ecology Shoreline Planning Competitive Grant Application 

Public Works Director Steve Schuller explained the background and need to address infrastructure and complexities of environmental laws. Complimented Grants Coordinator Wendy Horn for her work on the grant application. City Administrator Oborn spoke in support of the grant application and critical need. Councilmember Stucky moved to approve Resolution 23-17, authorizing the Mayor to approve an application to the Washington State Department of Ecology for the Shoreline Planning Competitive Grant, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The motion passed unanimously. 


Agreement with the Oak Harbor Rotary Club for placing a Windmill in Windjammer Park

Public Works Director Steve Schuller presented an overview of the project, location, and City obligations (ongoing operation and maintenance, payment, permit fees, and water/wastewater connection). Oak Harbor Rotary Club member Brian Jones presented an update on the project. Councilmember Woessner made the motion to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Rotary Club of Oak Harbor to construct a windmill in Windjammer Park, seconded by Councilmember Marshall. The motion passed five to zero. Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon could not vote due to technical difficulties*. Project details are available on the project website – www.ohwindmill.com.

*During this item the City lost internet connection and took a temporary recess to address the connection issues. The meeting resumed after the internet connection returned. 


Oak Harbor Police Department Annual Report 2022

Police Chief Kevin Dresker and Captain Tony Slowik presented the annual report and provided updates to Council. The report will be added to the City website. 


Executive Session: Per RCW 42.30.110 (1) (b) To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price; and RCW 42.30.110 (1) (i) To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation. Anticipated duration is 25 minutes. Action may or may not be taken upon return to the open session. Executive Sessions are not open to the public. No decisions were made in the Executive Session. 


The meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center online.

Watch the City Council Meeting on YouTube

On the Ballot in August 2023

City Councilmember, Position 1
Tara Hizon, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 2
Andy Plumlee
Patrick “Pat” Harman
Chris Wiegenstein
Incumbent Beth Munns did not file for re-election.
City Councilmember, Position 3
Eric Marshall, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 4
Wismine D’Avilar. (Ms. D’Availar has withdrawn, but will still appear on the ballot.)
John Chaszar
Barbara Armes
Chris Wiegenstein, the incumbent, was appointed to this position after Filing Week closed. He had chosen to file for Position 2.
Craig Nurvic
Nick Green
Ronnie Wright
Shane Hoffmire
Incumbent Bob Severns did not file for re-election.
Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • August 3, 2023