SOUTH WHIDBEY: Election results as of Nov. 9 (VIP)
Here are the election night results for South Whidbey as of Nov. 9, 2023. Data comes from the Secretary of State’s website. The Island County Elections office indicates they have fewer than 10 ballots left to count, and will not announce further counts until Nov. 28.
Bond Measures: South Whidbey School District: passing; South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District: passing.
City of Langley: Horstman, Carlson, Cyr.
Hospital District: Jouas, Richardson, Rose.
South Whidbey School District: Greenheron, Willeford, Jackson.
Port of South Whidbey: Ng, Easton.
South Whidbey Fire/EMS District: Towers.
South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District: Loercher, Cox.
South Whidbey School District – General Obligation Bonds