OAK HARBOR: November 8, 2023 City Council Recap (CoOH)

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Nov. 8, 2023. The recording is approximately one hour and fifty one minutes long.

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Wed., Nov. 9, 2023.

Here is the recap for the October 3, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting:

Mayor [Bob] Severns presided over the meeting. 

Councilmember [Beth] Munns made the motion to excuse Councilmember [Eric] Marshall from the meeting, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore [Tara] Hizon. The motion passed unanimously. 


Approved as presented. 


The Council received a comment from  Rachel Oswalt, a member of the public regarding Veterans Day and reintegration of military personnel in our community with action steps from the Center for Military and Veterans Integration model in San Diego. 


The following items were approved as presented:

  1. Approval of Minutes:  October 17, 2023 Council Meeting, October 24, 2023 Special Council Meeting, and October 25, 2023 Council Workshop 
  2. Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers
  3. Appointment:  Park Board Position 2 – Shane Cardone
  4. Interlocal Agreement with Oak Harbor School District – School Resource Officer for 2023-2024 School Year

Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon wanted to recognize Shane Cardone. Councilmember [Shane] Hoffmire commented on the partnership with Oak Harbor School District. 


  • 2023 City election and certification on November 28, 2023
  • Upcoming training from Association of Washington Cities – Elected Officials Essentials Workshop
  • City office closure in observance of Veterans Day on Friday, November 10 
  • Veterans Day programs in our community 
  • Other upcoming events


  • Councilmember Munns wanted to remind everyone that everyone needs food. She noted Help House can stretch your donations and provided stats on donations given to the community. 
  • Councilmember [Jim] Woessner welcomed Shane Cardone to the Park Board. Recognized Rachel’s comments about military reintegration. 
  • Mayor Pro Tempore thanked Naval Air Station Whidbey Island for their Community Leadership Forum. Thanked Rachel for her comments about the military community.
  • Councilmember [Chris] Wiegenstein also thanked Rachel for her work and offered to support military personnel in any way possible. Welcomed Mr. Cardone to the Park Board. Also, wanted to thank the community of Whidbey Island and North Whidbey Island and their help with our homeless situation because our churches have opened their doors up and now a new facility is available and should have showers soon to assist the homeless. 
  • Councilmember Hoffmire also spoke in support of military reintegration and City partnering in these programs. 


Public Hearing Ordinance No. 1981: Setting Property Tax Levies for 2024 (RCW 84.52.020 and RCW 84.52.070)

Deputy City Administrator and Finance Director David Goldman presented the limitations on regular property taxes, limit of a one percent increase, historic price deflator chart, reasoning for the property tax levy to keep pace with inflation and address services needed by the City, as well as the impacts of not increasing, options to make no change, levy the maximum one percent, and local levy rates. Council discussion followed by Councilmember Hoffmire made the motion to adopt Ordinance 1981 to increase property tax by 1% and authorize the Mayor to sign the 2024 Property Tax Levy Certification, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. The motion passed unanimously.  


Authorizing the Mayor to sign the Bid Award with Langco NW, Inc. for the Serendipity Lane Construction Contract

Public Works Director Steve Schuller presented the estimated expenses for the project, history of the project, reviewed the design plans, plan to start in early spring, and partnership with the Main Street Association. No comments from the public were received. Council discussion followed by Councilmember Munns motion to award the bid to Langco NW, Inc. to provide concrete work not to exceed $55,085.50, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The motion passed unanimously. 

Professional Services Agreement – Davido Watershed for East Stormwater Outfall Repair

City Engineer Alex Warner presented the location of the project, reasons for repairing due to sand and debris buildup and steps to unclog it, costs of the repair, permitting process, consultant team identified, and phases of project. No comments were received for this item. Councilmember Munns moved to authorize the Mayor to execute a Professional Service Agreement with DCG Watershed to complete engineering for the East Stormwater Outfall Replacement, not to exceed $128,355.00 seconded by Councilmember Wiegenstein. The motion passed unanimously.   

Professional Services Agreement – Crossroads Strategies, LLC for Federal Relations Advocacy and Advisement

City Administrator Blaine Oborn presented the background and services Crossroad Strategies provides. Ben McMakin presented his role as a lobbyist, background, and what he can do to assist the City. No comments received. Council discussion followed, with Councilmember Wiegenstein making the motion to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Crossroads Strategies for Federal relations and Advisement services, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The motion passed five to one with Councilmember [Bryan] Stucky opposing the motion.  


Approval of Accounts Payable Voucher – North Whidbey Parks/Recreation

Finance Director David Goldman and City Attorney Hillary Evans presented the item. City Council had previously approved the contract using Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) funds, and the slide for the pool was purchased and installed, the North Whidbey Pool, Park, and Recreation submitted the reimbursement request, the Finance Department included it in the vouchers as a payment, and that voucher was pulled for further discussion at the request of Council. No public comment was received. Councilmember Woessner requested to modify the current motion to include that the Council is approving the LTAC recommendation. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Woessner made the motion to acknowledge Council’s approval of the LTAC recommendation and approve Voucher 194667 in the amount of $37,384.42, seconded by Councilmember Wiegenstein. The motion passed with five votes in favor and one abstention from Councilmember Hoffmire. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center

  • November 9, 2023