OAK HARBOR: December 19, 2023 City Council Recap (CoOH)

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Dec. 5, 2023. The recording is approximately one hour and twenty three minutes long.

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Thu., Dec. 21, 2023.

Mayor Robert Severns presided over the meeting. 

Councilmember [Jim] Woessner was absent from the meeting. Councilmember [Beth] Munns made a motion to excuse Councilmember Woessner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore [Tara] Hizon. The motion passed unanimously. 


Approved with a change requested by staff to remove item 10a for County Wide Planning Policies Update. Staff will bring it back for a future agenda. Councilmember Munns made the motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilmember [Shane] Hoffmire. The motion passed unanimously. 


Honors and Recognitions

Recognition of Councilmember Munns

Mayor Severns presented Councilmember Beth Munns with a plaque in appreciation of her service to the Oak Harbor community and Whidbey Island. Councilmember Munns received a standing ovation from the Council and the audience in attendance. Public Works Director Steve Schuller presented a road sign Council Member Beth Munns Way from past and current staff. Councilmember Munns spoke about her time serving the community and staff of Oak Harbor and thanked the audience for attending. 

Community Presentations

Oak Harbor Filipino American Association Performance

The Filipino American Association performed a holiday music program. 


Dawn Brown of Oak Harbor led a flash mob in performing a Zumba routine and song to thank the Mayor for his service. County Commissioner Jill Johnson addressed the Council in recognition of Mayor Bob Severns and Councilmember Beth Munns. Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon presented an award recognizing Mayor Severns years of service to the community from City staff. 


  1. Approval of Minutes: December 5, 2023 Council Meeting 
  2. Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers 
  3. American Construction: Oak Harbor Marina – Change Order No. 5 for F-Dock Breakwater and Marina Repairs 
  4. Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing-HGACBuy 
  5. National Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Participation Agreement-BuyBoard
  6. Professional Services Agreement: Semrau Engineering 
  7. Renewal of Concession Contract: Oak Harbor Yacht Club 
  8. Resolution 23-19 Amendment to LTAC PBY Memorial Foundation Agreement 
  9. Resolution 23-31: Amendment to LTAC Chamber of Commerce Operations Agreement
  10. Resolution 23-32: Amendment to LTAC Craig McKenzie Team Foundation Agreement 
  11. Resolution 23-33 Amendment to LTAC Whidbey Health Foundation Agreement 
  12. South Correctional Entity (SCORE) Interlocal for Inmate Housing Agreement Amendment

Councilmember [Eric] Marshall requested to pull item g. for the Renewal of the Concession Contract: Oak Harbor Yacht Club. All items except item g were approved as presented. 

Councilmember Marshall stated he wanted to see the financial reports, which are required in the contract, and also inquired why the amount of the contract was so low. In comparison, the Chamber of Commerce pays more for their use of the school district building. He also mentioned the number of fees and improvements the City has made at a cost to ratepayers. 

The Mayor, Yacht Club Commodore Niiro, and former Commodore and now Vice-Commodore Bradley, spoke to the amounts listed in the agreement and history of the fees in the agreement. Councilmember Hoffmire voiced approval of the contract. Councilmember [Bryan] Stucky agreed with Councilmember Marshall that he wanted to see the financials that were required with the previous agreement and reduced rates for City use. Councilmember [Barbara] Armes agreed with Councilmembers Stucky and Marshall and wanted to see more in-depth information. Mayor Pro Tempore asked about the upcoming end date of the contract and what would happen if the agreement was not signed or renewed. 

Councilmember Beth Munns offered to recuse herself from the vote. The City Attorney confirmed she would only need to recuse herself if she had a financial interest. Councilmember Munns stated she had no personal financial interest.

The Council discussed contract options. Councilmember Hoffmire made the motion to approve the amended Oak Harbor Yacht Club Concession contract, seconded by Councilmember Munns. Mayor Pro Tempore and Councilmembers Munns and Hoffmire voted in support with Councilmembers Armes, Marshall, and Stucky voting against. The vote was tied. Mayor Severns broke the tie by voting in support of the motion. Councilmember Munns requested that the Yacht Club still submit the financials to the Council as soon as possible, which Commodore Niiro stated would be forthcoming. 


  • Advisory Boards with the expansion of commission members with the new Bylaws there are several vacancies to fill.
  • Association of Washington Cities scholarship for 2024 nominations for civic minded young leaders in Washington cities and towns. Up to three scholarships may be awarded. Oak Harbor students submit your applications to the Office of the Mayor.
  • Washington State Ferries has upcoming meetings about the ferry system to learn about ferry system restoration progress, work force challenges, and updates on key projects. The events will take place on Wednesday, January 17 at 12:30 pm or Thursday, January 18 at 6 pm. Register online at bit.ly/WSF-public-meetings. 
  • City offices closures on December 25 and January 1. City offices will close two hours earlier on Friday, December 22 and Friday, December 29. 
  • Upcoming events – New Year’s Eve Fireworks on December 31, 2023 at 9 pm. 


  • Councilmember Munns talked about the specifics of the AWC scholarship process and the fact that two or three students the City has sponsored in the past have received scholarships. She also encouraged the community to donate to their local food bank.  
  • Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon complimented Councilmember Munns on her work in the community.
  • Councilmember Hoffmire thanked both Councilmember Munns and Mayor Severns.


Ordinance No. 1982: End-of-Year Budget Amendment (No. 4) to the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget

Finance Director and Deputy City Administrator David Goldman introduced Finance Manager Chas Webster to present the 2023 Budget amendments for grants, adjustments to the General Fund for $24,000 to purchase the Fire Department bunker gear funded by the FIIRE grant, $103,100 to the Equipment Replacement Fund for purchase of the Parks and Recreation Bus, $27,000 to the Senior Center Fund for purchase of recreation bus, $51,500 for the Marina Fund to repair boat ramp float, general fund for $366,900 for urban forestry projects, creative arts fund for 62,500 for the Windmill in Windjammer Park, and Civic Improvement for $325,000 for Lodging Tax Grant expenditures funded by Lodging Tax revenues, $30,000 for increase to Island County Joint Tourism contribution funded by loading tax revenues. 2024 Budget Adjustments include $5,500 for repair and maintenance costs for the Parks and Recreation bus and $10,000 for yearly replacement costs associated with the bus from the Senior Center Fund. 

Mayor Severns opened the public hearing. No comments were received for this item. Following Council discussion of items with staff, Councilmember Marshall made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1982 Budget Amendment #4 amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget and adopting an updated wage and salary schedule and plan of classification, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The motion passed unanimously. 


Approval of the Chief of Police Employment Contract with Interim Police Chief Anthony Slowik

Mayor Severns talked about previous processes to identify Police Chiefs, Interim Chief of Police Slowik’s employment history, the support of former Police Chief Dresker, Mayor Elect Ronnie Wright and other agencies favoring his endorsement of Interim Police Chief Slowik as the new Police Chief. The City received one public comment online in support of Tony Slowik as Police Chief and one member of the public was present to speak against the item. Mayor Elect Ronnie Wright spoke in support of Tony Slowik in response to comment. Fire Chief Ray Merrill spoke in support of Tony Slowik as the Police Chief and provided background on the history of the Fire and Police Departments and the need for them to work together. 

Council discussion followed. Councilmembers Hoffmire, Stucky, Munns, Armes, Marshall, and Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon spoke in support of Interim Chief Slowik as the new Chief of Police. 

Councilmember Munns moved to approve the employment contract for Interim Chief Tony Slowik as the Chief of Police for Oak Harbor Police Department, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. The motion passed unanimously. 

Contract Amendment No. 3 with Gray and Osborne, Inc. for On-Call Water Services

Public Works Engineering Project Manager Brett Arvidson presented the background, list of capital projects scheduled over the next five years, and immediate priorities for pipeline replacements. Five projects are under construction and four are ready to go out this season. Gray and Osborne provide a On-Call consulting services to the City. Project Manager Arvidson reviewed projects completed last summer. He provided details for Amendment No. 3, pricing details to add 780 linear feet to the project, and showed the location of projects on the map. The cost of the task increases is $33,800. 

Councilmember Stucky made the motion to authorize the Mayor to sign Professional Service Amendment No. 3 with Gray and Osborne, Inc. in the amount of $33,800, increasing the total contract amount from $495,190 to $528,990, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The motion passed unanimously. 


City Council 2024 Calendar

City Administrator Blaine Oborn reviewed the calendar dates, changes and cancellations, with options. No comments were received. Councilmember Marshall moved to adopt the 2024 City Council Calendar, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. The motion passed unanimously. 


Discussion of Legislative Priorities

Executive Services Administrator Sabrina Combs presented the resolution for the Council to approve the 2024 Legislative Priorities. Councilmember Munns made the motion to approve Resolution 23-34 establishing the City of Oak Harbor’s 2024 Washington State Legislative Priorities, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. Councilmember Munns requested staff send these off to the Association of Washington Cities immediately. 


Council took a five-minute recess and then moved into a ten-minute Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. to discuss with legal counsel litigation or potential litigation. The Council came out of executive session at 8:13 p.m. and resumed the open session. Mayor Severns noted no action would be taken regarding the matter discussed. 


Councilmember Munns made the motion to adjourn for her last time as a Councilmember. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm. 


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center online at https://oakharbor.gov/AgendaCenter

  • December 21, 2023