DAVE PAUL: Coffee Chat, the Fair, and Community Meetings: An Update on a Busy Week

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Sun. Jul. 18, 2021:

Dear Friends,

I’ve been meeting with constituents to learn about community priorities, developing policy for next year’s legislative session, and working with local leaders across the district.

Here’s a quick update on my work over the last week.

We hosted our first virtual legislative coffee chat of the summer, and it was fun and informative. Thanks to all who attended. We had a great discussion of community priorities, including housing affordability and mental health. My office will be hosting another coffee chat in a few weeks.

I met with the Stillaguamish Tribe to learn about the Tribe’s work environmental stewardship, housing, and community development. Thanks to Chairman Shawn Yanity, Tribal leaders, and Tribal staff for the informative tour!

It was an honor to participate in the groundbreaking for the Coupeville Boys & Girls Club. I’m proud to have cosponsored the funding request for this important community investment that will serve young people, families, and our community. 

I visited the Whidbey Island Fair, and met with constituents and groups attending the Fair. It was great to learn more about the Good Cheer Food Bank’s work to reduce hunger in our community. I also enjoyed seeing former Stanwood Mayor Leonard Kelley and meeting with members of the Snohomish Island Labor Council!

Finally, thanks to Coupeville Port Commissioner David Day for the tour of the Coupeville Wharf. I worked with the Port District over the past year to secure state Capital funds for seismic upgrades to this community treasure—I truly appreciate the opportunity to help protect this iconic community asset. 

I’ll be spending the summer and fall meeting with more constituents, community leaders, and organizations to help me prepare for the next Legislative session. I hope to see you soon!

As always, it is an honor to serve as your Representative in the State Legislature.



(Editor’s Note: donation link omitted here.)

  • July 18, 2021