WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Repairs planned for marina’s F dock to cost $700,000

Whidbey News-Times
Oak Harbor Marina (courtesy City of Oak Harbor)

The Oak Harbor City Council will use a combination of funds from insurance settlements, marina funds, and a grant from the Washington state Dept. of Commerce to pay for much needed repairs to F dock at the marina. City Council members agreed to award a contract to American Construction Company from Tacoma for repairs and improvements to the dock. See the story by Emily Gilbert for the details.

On the ballot in November 2021 – Oak Harbor City Councilmembers:

  • Position 4 – Dan Evans vs Stephanie “Fe” Mischo – Incumbent Erica Wasinger not running
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Joel Servatius vs Shane Hoffmire
  • Position 6 – Incumbent Jim Woessner running unopposed
  • Position 7 – Andy Plumlee vs Bryan Stucky – Incumbent Millie Goebel not running
  • August 20, 2021