SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Six file during special filing period

South Whidbey Record

Of the 12 open positions on this Novembers ballot, there are still six positions that nobody signed up to run for and thus, will not appear on the ballot. Seats for North Whidbey Water, Rhodena Beach Water, Scatchet Head Sewer, and Camano Vista Water will all be absent from the ballot. See the story by Kira Erickson in the South Whidbey Record for all the details.

Filings during the special filing period are:

For Port of Coupeville Commissioner, District 3 – Patrick Kennedy will challenge Mike Seraphinoff.

For South Whidbey Fire/EMS Commissioner, Position 3 – Savannah Erickson will challenge Jim Towers

For the Crockett Lake Water position, Wayne David Mitchell will run unopposed

For the Scatchet Head Sewer position, Donald A. Bowman will run unopposed

See the Island County website for a complete listing of those on the November Ballot.

  • August 17, 2021