WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Redistricted Whidbey could be part of all-island 10th

Whidbey News-Times

Politicians in Olympia are eyeing redrawing the lines that make up the 10th Legislative District to unite the Islands in three counties into one district. The 10th is a critical swing district and how it is redrawn could have significant political consequences.

“No matter what, there is going to be people who are unhappy,” said Sen. Ron Muzzall. Sen. Muzzall doesn’t like the idea because he thinks it’s important that the legislative districts have a “diversity of types of people with different opinions.” State Rep. Dave Paul commented that “it makes sense to unite the coastal communities because of the shared commitment to protecting natural resources and quality of life in the areas.” Langley Councilmember Craig Cyr likes the idea as he said it makes sense “because these communities have similar priorities.”

Politically, however, the reality is that an all-island district will lean towards the Democrats as it would remove much of north Snohomish County which voted heavily Republican in the last election. Leaving the 10th LD pretty much as it is will still favor the Democrats, but by a much smaller margin. For the details on how all this is playing out, see the story by Jessie Stensland.

  • October 8, 2021