SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Greenbank residents vie for Port of Coupeville board

South Whidbey Record

Patrick Kennedy and Mike Seraphinoff have stepped forward to run for the Port of Coupeville Board Position 3 that will be vacant this year. Incumbent Mohammad Mostafavinassab is not seeking reelection.

Kennedy says his priority would be to enhance the Port’s current assets. He said, “I understand several years back a comprehensive plan was developed for the assets with public participation.” He went on to say that this plan needed to be implemented or to develop a new one. Concerning the current proposals aimed at the Port acquiring the airport in Oak Harbor, Kennedy said that before making a decision on this, he would want to research the “economic potential, site liabilities and funding sources.”

Seraphinoff stated he would like the port to investigate less expensive options. He commented that there is precedent for the Port acquiring Navy lands it no longer uses and would like to explore the possibility reopening the once talked about option of the Port taking ownership of OLF Coupeville.

Seraphinoff went on to say he would like to explore creating a more accessible approach to the public beach adjoining Greenbank Farm and to explore the possibility of establishing camping opportunities on Central Whidbey as the South Whidbey State Park is no longer available for camping.

For all the details, see the story by Karina Andrew in the South Whidbey Record.

On the Ballot on November 2 – Port of Coupeville:

  • District 2 – John Mishasek – Incumbent running unopposed
  • District 3 – Patrick Kennedy vs Mike Seraphinoff – Incumbent Mohammad Mostafavinassab is not running

  • October 26, 2021