DAVE PAUL: The Promise of Community Colleges


Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Mon. Sep. 13, 2021:

Dear Friends,

I recently had the honor of joining Sen. Patty Murray to discuss the importance of community and technical colleges to students, families, and our economy. Community colleges provide a direct pathway to family-wage jobs, including in nursing, the health sciences, and trades like welding and automotive repair.  Community colleges also help many students achieve their first step toward earning a university degree, helping students save thousands of dollars in tuition while studying close to home.

Sen. Murray’s proposal to make community college tuition free will help strengthen our economy and our community. We know that 70 percent of high school graduates will need to participate in an apprenticeship, earn a credential, or complete a college degree in order to find a family-wage job.

In addition, as our economy changes, many workers need to return to school in order to update their skills.

Let’s simplify the financial aid process by making community colleges tuition free, allowing community colleges to better focus on helping student with books and childcare costs—and letting students focus on their studies.

Thanks to Sen. Murray for her important advocacy, and you can learn more about Sen. Murray’s proposal here.


As always, it’s an honor to serve as your representative.



[Ed. Note: Donation link omitted.]

  • September 13, 2021