SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Parks and Rec District will ask for levy lift

South Whidbey Record

The South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District Commissioners will ask voters for an increase of 22 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation this February.

Commissioner Matt Simms said, “To me, that’s the fundamental decision that we make in a time like this: Do we keep doing a great job of maintaining the existing infrastructure, or do we allow some bandwidth to expand services and programs and park facilities to people we don’t currently serve today?”

Commissioner Erik Jokinen said, “We’re already seeing climate change and the cost that something simple impacts organization, and I don’t think parks and rec is immune to that. I think having reserves is a very wise move.”

Commissioner Krista Loercher said, “It’s about livability and having access to beautifully maintained parks and having a wealth of programs is part of that livability and it is our responsibility to move things forward and expand services and facilities for others in the community.”

For more details, see the story by Kira Erickson in the South Whidbey Record.

  • November 26, 2021