SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: South Whidbey School Board plans return to in-person meetings

South Whidbey Record

In a story by Kira Erickson, she reports that the South Whidbey School Board will return to public meetings in January in a hybrid format which will also include broadcasting over Zoom for those who do not want to attend in person.

The story cites several reasons for the School Board’s decision last summer to return holding their meetings strictly via Zoom after holding a few public meetings. These reasons include an incident where the attending public interrupted the meeting by standing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the public’s unwillingness to wear masks during the meetings, and the rise in Covid-19 cases.

They Said It:

Director Marnie Jackson said, “I really believe that our community wants to be able to speak in person, to share public comment in person, and I would love to be able to hear voices and see faces. So long as we can actually protect one another by maintaining the public health guidelines in that space, I think returning to in-person feels right.”

Director Ann Johnson said, “I concur. I definitely think we’re at our best when we’re live and we’re able to engage in communication in person.”

Director/Board President Brook Willeford said being able to engage in back-and-forth discussion during workshops is critical.

Director Damian Greene said he never would have stopped meeting in person in the first place.

  • December 17, 2021