WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Hospital to hire management firm, interim CEO

Whidbey News-Times

Jessie Stensland reports:

The WhidbeyHealth hospital board chose a management services firm to help run the hospital district, provide an interim CEO and help find a permanent CEO and CFO.

After a hospital attorney looks over the contract, the board is expected to hold another special meeting next week to approve the agreement with HealthTechS3 and name Michael Layfield of Tennessee as the interim chief executive officer for the next six to nine months or so.

Under the proposal, HealthTechS3’s management service fee will be $350,000 a year for five years, though the hospital can opt out after three years. On top of that, the hospital will pay Layfield a salary based on a rate of $375,000 a year, plus he will be compensated for travel, lodging and meals; he plans to travel home every two weeks, according to the company’s terms.

They Said It

“We want to keep the hospital going and provide health care to the community,” [Hospital Board President Ron Wallin] said. He acknowledged that mistakes have been made, but he emphasized that the board is focused on moving forward in a positive direction.

  • February 25, 2022