In today’s Whidbey Weekly 10/24/2024 (Thank you, Patti🥰😘)
In today’s Whidbey Weekly 10/24/2024 (Thank you, Patti🥰😘)
Having My Say:
Calling all Patriots, the polls are opening soon, the mail in ballots are either on their way or already delivered and it’s down to the wire, crunch time!
My last letter established the basic criteria for selecting your representatives and now I’ll mention some tools for research: 1) google each candidate and their statements.
2) go to, for in depth coverage of each candidate and their responses.
3) go to Washington State Public Disclosure Commission,, to which every candidate must be accountable and disclose their actual financial receipts and expenditures! Then you can determine if they use their money and your donations wisely, in accordance with your values and interests.
I did that and believe me, it was an eye opener!
My candidate for WA House Representative, district 10, position 1, is also the only patriot whose campaign signs, flyers, cards, display her signature patriotism in vivid Red White and Blue, America’s colors! That’s my gal, Carrie Kennedy!
No wish washy blue signs, no pale pinks and no canary yellow (who does that represent, the Canary Islands?!) All joking aside, be brave, be proud, be an American!
I have known Carrie and her husband Lloyd Potter for over 30 years and she’s always been a true patriot, the wife of a career military veteran and a student of American history and our constitution.
Now Carrie is in a battle within her own party because she won’t go along to get along with the hand picked local establishment who have calumniated her, dismissed her and made false accusations. I’m proud of Carrie because she stands by and fights for her and our constitutional rights.
Now, do you want a party hack with self interests representing you or do you want to send someone who doesn’t just talk the talk, Carrie Kennedy walks the walk.
Do your homework Patriots!
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Ruple
Oak Harbor