WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: County considers accessory dwelling unit code

Whidbey News-Times

Kira Erickson reports from the Island County Commissioners meeting on Apr. 19, 2022.

Island County commissioners have taken a concrete step towards making a significant policy change to help increase affordable housing on Whidbey.

During a public hearing April 19, county officials discussed amendments to the zoning code for ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, that would affect Ebey’s Landing and Freeland.

You can watch the commissioners’ meeting at this link. The public hearing begins at the 9:16 mark and lasts for approximately 58 minutes.

They Said It

Commissioner Jill Johnson said she did not understand how the code could allow a 6,000-square-foot house to have an even greater footprint for its ADU, yet micromanage the size of an ADU for a 2,000-square-foot home.

“I’m on Team Commenter that this is actually not logical,” she said.

Commissioner Janet St. Clair said she didn’t disagree.

Johnson said her limit on detached ADUs would have to be 1,200 square feet, no matter the size of the main house

.“The footprint is already bigger for the 6,000 square foot home,” she said. “So why would we incentivize a larger footprint, if what we care about so much is rural character?”

  • April 29, 2022