WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Whidbey residents rally for abortion rights

Whidbey News-Times
Fe Mischo
Protest organizer Fe Mischo

Karina Andrew reports from a pro-abortion rally in Coupeville:

Around 30 Whidbey residents gathered in front of the Island County Courthouse in Coupeville Tuesday afternoon to protest a leaked Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that has guaranteed abortion rights in the U.S. for nearly 50 years.

They Said It

“I wish it was taken care of 50 years ago, because we still should not be having to fight this fight,” said Fe Mischo, one of the protest organizers.

Mischo added that low-income folks will bear the brunt of this decision. While some pregnant people living in states with restricted abortion access will be able to afford to travel to a state with fewer restrictions, those without the means to make the trek will lose access to abortion services entirely.

The impact of this will be far-reaching, she said; it will mean more children and families requiring tax-funded welfare services.

[Ed. Note: We include this story because Ms. Mischo has been a candidate for Island County Commissioner (2020) and Oak Harbor City Councilmember (2021); we judge it likely that she will run for office again. Ms. Mischo is also a state committeewoman for the Island County Democrats.]

  • May 6, 2022