WHIDBEY NEWS TIMES: City staff proposes ban on RV street parking (VIDEO)

Whidbey News-Times

Rachel Rosen reports from the Oak Harbor City Council workshop on May 25, 2022.

Oak Harbor City Council is considering an ordinance that would ban recreational and commercial vehicles from parking on city streets for more than a brief time.

Video recording of the May 25, 2022 Oak Harbor City Council workshop. Discussion of the RV ordinance begins at 22:07 and lasts for approximately 40 minutes.

They Said It

Councilmember Dan Evans asked Code Compliance Officer Ray Heltsley how the ordinance would affect people who live in RVs and park on the street.

Councilmember Jim Woessner wondered why this particular issue was “rising to the top.”

“I drive through a lot of neighborhoods and I see plenty of on-street parking available,” he said.

Woessner said he would rather see the issue resolved through people having to obtain a permit to park their vehicles on the street for more than 72 hours, especially since Oak Harbor does not have affordable commercial vehicle storage.

  • May 31, 2022