The Old Goats, a community organization in South Whidbey, sent the following email on Tue., Jun. 14, 2022.
- The Old Goats Lunch Agenda CHANGED for Friday, 17 June. Deputy Sheriff Lane Campbell has tested positive for Covid. We have rescheduled Sheriff Rick Felici and Deputy Sheriff Lane Campbell for Friday, September 16th. These are the only two candidates so they will both move to the November General Election regardless of the results of the August Primary Election = Top Two Primary.
- This Friday, June 17th, the Old Goats Lunch CHANGE will discuss the proposed use of the Motel in Freeland, across from Payless and the ex-church at 311 Morris Rd., Coupeville, across from the Gun Club, as Homeless Housing Facilities. Concerns have been raised about the potential for housing people with habitual Substance Abuse problems in these Facilities including the resulting adverse impacts on neighbors and the community at large.
- Island County Commissioner Melony Bacon met yesterday with about 25 citizens concerned about the proposed Freeland Motel facility. She has scheduled a related Meeting for this Thursday at 5pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland. See her Message below: [Ed. Note: Mr. Rose pasted in Commissioner Bacon’s email newsletter of Jun. 14, which we published at this link.]
Rufus & Reece Rose 360-579-5880