LEGISLATURE 2025-26 / DAVE PAUL: Upcoming Town Hall + Unlocking Economic Success

Rep. Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) posted this on his legislative website on Wed., Feb. 26, 2025.
Dear neighbors,
This Friday is February’s second major legislative deadline: fiscal cutoff, the last chance for bills affecting state spending to clear committee. It follows the policy cutoff on February 21, which applied to other bills. These deadlines keep the legislative process efficient and focused. As Chair of the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee, I’m proud of the legislation that has passed out of our committee. There are also great policies advancing from the Senate to the House. A few of the most important policies are highlighted below!

I’ll continue to champion these policies for the rest of the legislative session—and will work to get them to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law!
Past Legislative Wins Shaping Success
One example of previous legislative work making an impact today is OtterBot, a chatbot that helps Washington students and families with the college planning and financial aid application process. I was honored to sponsor the Washington Student Achievement Council’s request to expand funding for this program in 2024—and improve financial aid access statewide. Learn more about OtterBot’s impact here.
Fill Out Your FAFSA & WASFA
Despite having the best financial aid program in the country, only about half of Washington’s high school seniors complete the FAFSA. High school seniors and others can now apply for financial aid for the 2025-26 academic year, a crucial step toward receiving grants and scholarships to help pay for college and career training. In Washington, U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens can use the FAFSA for federal and state aid, while others can apply for state aid through the WASFA. The FAFSA opened in late November, and the WASFA is now available.
For 2025-26, families of four earning up to $131,000 may qualify for state aid through the Washington College Grant, which supports working families, including DREAMers. Grant amounts vary by income, family size, and program. Completing the FAFSA or WASFA automatically considers applicants for the Washington College Grant.
Upcoming Town Hall
Town hall meetings are a long tradition in our American democracy—and in the 10th District. I am excited to extend an invitation to our upcoming bipartisan town hall in Oak Harbor on March 15th. I’ll have more forums throughout the district later in session.

Please join me for an engaging discussion about the 2025 legislative session and to share the issues that matter most to you.
As always, it’s an honor to serve as your state representative.
Dave Paul