Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Fri., Mar. 7, 2025.
Cases of Influenza remain very high in Island County (and in the entire state). Please take necessary precautions.
Thank you for reading my newsletter for the 10th week of 2025.
- Regular Session. The agenda and recording for the Tuesday March 4 Regular Session of the Board of Island County Commissioners is here.
- We heard one public comment from a citizen concerned about the Wednesday work session item on the Port of South Whidbey (see below).
- We held a public hearing to receive comments on Island County’s past performance using $605,579 in Community Development Block Grant–Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Funds for homeowners and renters who were financially impacted by COVID-19 and were in arrears. No one from the public offered comment. Mark 0:03:48 in the video recording.
- We continued to a date uncertain a public hearing on the new Sandberg Water Franchise.
- We held a public hearing to vacate a part of Lincoln Street. There was no public comment. The motion passed. Mark 0:13:42 in the recording.
- During Commissioners’ Comments, I spoke about the Racial Restrictive Covenants Project, which found more than 900 properties in Island County that include racially restrictive language in their deeds and plats. I read all of the restrictive covenant language into the record, and stated my desire that the County enact a Resolution of Atonement acknowledging this execrable history. Mark 00:23:42 in the recording. More to come on that. You can read the language in the deeds and plats yourself here. I think it’s important that citizens know that this occurred, and am very grateful for the thoughtful article in the Whidbey News Times/South Whidbey Record this week
- The next regular session will occur at 10 am on Tuesday, March 11. The agenda for that meeting is here. There are no regular agenda items scheduled, so it should be a pretty short meeting.
- Work Session. The agenda for the Wednesday, March 5, 2025 work session is here; the recording is here.
- We spoke with Eric Brooks of the Department of Emergency Management about our desire to increase citizen awareness of their options during an emergency. Mark 0:10:15 in the audio recording.
- Human Services discussed their Harm Reduction program. Commissioner Johnson wants a change to this program’s activities in Oak Harbor. Mark 0:43:03 in the recording.
- The Port of South Whidbey is requesting a scope revision to the Fairground Workforce Housing Feasibility Study project. The South Whidbey School Board and City of Langley would both be partners in what the Port wants to do, and the Board of Island County Commissioners told the Port that although we support their request, we will need a letter from the South Whidbey School Board indicating that they have interest in furthering this conversation before we will move forward with the revision. Mark 1:10:03 in the recording.
- The next Work Session will occur at 9 am on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. The agenda is here. On that agenda: Presentation & Discussion for Parks Element of the 2025 Comp Plan; a proposed Island County drone policy; the 2025 Pavement Preservation projects; Public Health work plan update; the final amendment to the 2024 budget; Long Range Planning will present on the Clinton Subarea Plan; and we’ll hear a presentation on the Jail Feasibility Study.
- Island Transit held their monthly Board meeting today, and announced that they have hired a new Human Resources Manager! Terrence Ellison will start on March 24. I am thrilled to be able to hand the reins of HR over to Terrence so I can focus full-time again on the job the voters elected me to do. Welcome Terrence!
- Yesterday Gov. Bob Ferguson held a press conference about Washington State Ferries, and announced that he will delay the hybrid-electric conversions of the next two Jumbo Mark II ferries until after the FIFA World Cup 26 matches in Seattle next year. This means all 21 of WSF’s vessels will be in the fleet, with 18 available for domestic service. What this means for Island County: they plan to schedule 2-boat service for the Coupeville-Port Townsend route as availability allows.
- Yesterday I attended the ground-breaking ceremony for Oak Harbor Fire Station 82. They anticipate construction beginning as soon as this month, with completion by this time next year. This fire station will serve half the residents of the city, an important service for that community.
- South Whidbey Fire & EMS is holding a Preparedness Conference Call to Action on Saturday, April 19 from 9 – 4 pm at South Whidbey High School. This is a free conference, for people who want to learn what they and their neighborhoods can do to prepare for emergencies. I am really excited about this! You can register here.
- Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Update: This is a link to the Planning Commission page. You can find details on their meetings and minutes, including Zoom info, here. The agendas are published at least a week in advance. The Planning Commission meets at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Commissioners Hearing Room in Coupeville.
- At their meeting on Wednesday March 19, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to discuss amendments to Chapter 17.06 – Freeland Zoning Code to facilitate production of housing in alignment with the Freeland Subarea Plan. This is not part of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan discussion—it’s about a rezoning the Commissioners are considering in Freeland. You can access documents through the Planning Commission page linked above. Interested persons may appear at the public hearing and give testimony for or against the proposal or participate remotely via phone or by computer, smartphone, or tablet via Zoom Meeting ID: 936 3689 2599 Passcode: 122086
- As the southern gateway to Whidbey Island, Clinton is a pivotal transportation node in the area. Through the subarea planning process, residents, stakeholders, and County staff will work together to determine potential future residential and commercial growth options and establish a vision for the community. A draft of the Subarea Plan is now available for public review, here. Comments will be accepted until March 21, 2025, at 4:30 PM. There are multiple ways to submit a comment:
- Via the comment form on our public engagement website.
- Via U.S. Mail: Planning and Community Development Department, 1 NE 7th St., Coupeville, WA 98239.
- Via email to compplan@islandcountywa.gov
- The Department of Ecology is now taking public comment on the County’s draft Shoreline Management Program (SMP). Public Comment Period: March 1 to March 31, 2025 5:00 p.m. The draft SMP can be found here. Email your comments to: Stephanie.barney@ecy.wa.gov.
- Island Senior Resources will hold a Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 15th from 9 – 11 am, to benefit the Meals on Wheels program. They will be serving pancakes (including gluten-free), sausage, fresh fruit, and scrambled eggs, and will have door prizes too. Location: 14594 SR 525, Langley (across the highway from The Goose). RSVPs appreciated, call 360-321-1600.
- There are two upcoming events associated with the County’s food program.
- Monday March 10, Consumer and Food Industry Meetings, both meetings to be held in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room in Coupeville. Industry meeting 9 – 12; Consumer meeting 1 – 3 pm. Both meetings will be facilitated by the Island County Food Safety Team.
- Thurs & Fri March 20 – 21, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm, Certified Food Protection Manager training. An in-person class, available for those in the food industry. Includes class, book and test. $150 per attendee. Training will be given in Room Room 116, 1 NE 7th Street, Coupeville (the County Admin building). You must register by 3 pm on March 17; this is the registration form.
- Habitat for Humanity of Island County will hold a Homebuyer Program Information Session tomorrow, Saturday, March 8 at 10:30, at the Oak Harbor Habitat Administrative Office, located upstairs at the Oak Harbor Habitat Store, 290 SE Pioneer Way. Please RSVP by 2 pm Friday, March 7th at office@islandcountyhabitat.com. During this session they will go over the application requirements and answer any questions attendees may have regarding the application process.
- I will be at WiFire Community Space in Freeland on Monday, March 10, at 3 pm for my regular weekly open discussion with citizens on County issues of interest. We always welcome new voices.
Today is Employee Appreciation Day. On behalf of the Board of Island County Commissioners, I want to express my deep gratitude to the employees who provide such terrific service to the Island County public. Thank you, Island County employees!