Half-way through the session

Dear Friends,
Last week, the Washington State Senate passed Senate Bill 5041,
legislation that would allow striking workers to collect unemployment benefits. I strongly opposed this measure because it fundamentally alters the purpose of our state’s unemployment trust fund and represents a misuse of taxpayer dollars.
The unemployment trust fund was created to support workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own and are actively seeking employment. It was never intended to subsidize workers who voluntarily choose to go on strike. The balance of labor negotiations has always been maintained through mutual tension—employers risk financial loss, and workers weigh the costs of withholding their labor. This tension is what ultimately leads to resolutions, not government intervention.
As I stated on the Senate floor, our state constitution clearly forbids the gifting of public funds. Diverting resources meant to assist the unemployed to striking workers is an inappropriate use of taxpayer money. This bill is less about supporting working families and more about rewarding political alliances.
I urge my colleagues in the House to reject this bill and uphold the integrity of our unemployment system. Washington workers and employers deserve better than politically motivated giveaways.
The Senate Republican Budget: A Better Path Forward
While the majority party continues to push for tax hikes or drastic cuts, Senate Republicans have proposed a responsible alternative: the $ave Washington Budget. This approach prioritizes essential services like education, public safety, and care for vulnerable residents—without raising taxes or making reckless cuts.
The $ave Washington Budget:
- Keeps spending growth at a responsible 5%, below the 7.6% expected revenue growth.
- Increases funding for K-12 education, special education, and student support services.
- Makes smart investments in public safety, including grants for hiring law enforcement officers.
- Preserves services for Washington’s most vulnerable residents while demanding accountability for government spending.
- Offers a fair and responsible approach to state employee compensation by providing a $5,000 bonus rather than unaffordable, back-to-back pay raises.
- Freezes tuition at state-run colleges and expands slots for in-state students.
- Rejects unnecessary increases in recreational fees for state parks and hunting/fishing licenses.
This budget demonstrates that we can meet our state’s priorities without burdening families with higher taxes. It’s time for real fiscal responsibility in Olympia.
Town Hall This Weekend!
As a reminder, this Saturday, March 15, Rep. Dave Paul and I will be holding a joint, bipartisan in-person town hall meeting from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Oak Harbor Library, located at 1000 SE Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA 98277.
This town hall provides an opportunity for constituents to engage directly with their state legislators, ask questions, and share their thoughts on key issues facing the community and state.
I’m looking forward to connecting with our community, hearing concerns, and discussing ways we can work together to find practical solutions.
Senator Ron Muzzall
10th Legislative District