WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Town council approves hospital cooling center (VIDEO)

Whidbey News-Times
Coupeville Mayor Molly Hughes

Karina Andrew reports from the Coupeville Town Council meeting of Tue., Jul. 26, 2022.

Coupeville Town Council members took a step on Tuesday to protect town residents from extremely hot weather conditions.

The council voted during its regular meeting July 26 to authorize Mayor Molly Hughes to negotiate and sign an interlocal agreement with WhidbeyHealth to provide a cooling center at the hospital’s Health Education Center when Central Whidbey air temperatures reach 95 degrees or higher.

Video recording of the Coupeville Town Council meeting of Tue., Jul. 26. The public hearing on the noise ordinance begins at 16:18 and lasts about eight-and-a-half minutes.

They Said It

“This is really just formalizing what we’ve already done once with the hospital, and what they have said they would like to partner on and do again if needed,” [Mayor Molly] Hughes said.

  • July 29, 2022