DAVE PAUL: We’re 12 weeks away

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent out the following email from his campaign account on Sun., Aug. 21, 2022.

Dear Friends,

We are proud to have won the Primary Election with 54 percent of the vote. We simply couldn’t have done it without you—thanks so much for your support!

We’re in a strong position to return to Olympia, and we’re going to use this momentum to finish strong in November. However, we know that ultra-conservative groups will not give up easily. These organizations have already spent $34,000 attacking me and over $140,000 promoting my opponent. We know it will get even uglier in the General Election.

Can you help us combat the harmful messages funded by groups dedicated to restricting women’s reproductive health, suppressing voter turnout, and eliminating protections of the environment?

[Ed. Note: donation link omitted]

Many of you received mailers spreading false information about our campaign and my voting record. We also know that those mailers were sent to tens of thousands of voters–the only way to combat this harmful rhetoric is to get our message out to voters before General Election ballots drop.  

We need to raise $5400 in August to fund our plan. Can you help us by donating today?

[Ed. Note: donation link omitted]

As always, it’s an honor to serve.


[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]

On The Ballot in November 2022

State Representative, LD 10, Posn 1
Clyde Shavers (D-Oak Harbor)
Greg Gilday (R-Camano Island), the incumbent
State Representative, LD 10, Posn 2
Karen Lesetmoe (R-Oak Harbor)
Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor), the incumbent
Candidates for Legislative District 10 offices. Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • August 21, 2022