WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Food bank to construct new building

Whidbey News-Times
Molly Hughes, president of the Gifts from the Heart board of directors
Molly Hughes, president of the Gifts from the Heart board of directors

Karina Andrew reports:

After two decades of feeding the community, a Central Whidbey food bank will finally have a home of its own.

Gifts from the Heart Board of Directors President Molly Hughes announced that the nonprofit has plans to construct a new building that will include not only expanded facilities for the food bank, but an affordable housing component as well.

The new space will be located on Terry Road between Frontier Building Supply and Terry Mobile Park.

They Said It

“We’re really looking forward to going to a full shopping model when we’re in this building,” said Hughes, who is also the Coupeville mayor. She emphasized that her advocacy for and role with the food bank are entirely separate from her position with the town.

“We’re really looking forward to going to a full shopping model when we’re in this building,” said Hughes, who is also the Coupeville mayor. She emphasized that her advocacy for and role with the food bank are entirely separate from her position with the town.

“In 20 years, we have never turned a client away or run out of food,” Hughes said.

  • September 27, 2022