ISLAND COUNTY: County commissioners eye land for solar panel installation (WNT) (AUDIO)

Whidbey News-Times

Rachel Rosen reports in the Whidbey News-Times from the Island County Commissioners work session of Dec. 14, 2022.

Public land on Whidbey Island might be the site of a large solar project someday, but only if obstacles can be overcome…

Public Works Director Connie Bowers, who is also the county engineer, gave a presentation on three potential Whidbey Island sites during a Dec. 14 Island County work session.

Audio recording of the Island County Commissioners’ work session of Dec. 14, 2022. Discussion of the solar project begins at 40:08 and lasts for approximately twelve minutes.

They Said It

County Commissioner Jill Johnson spoke on behalf of Commissioner Melanie Bacon, who was not present at the work session. She said she knew Bacon would not be comfortable cutting trees down.

“If we’ve learned anything, Melanie doesn’t want to cut down the trees,” Johnson said.

Commissioner Janet St. Clair asked if there is any legal way the deed restriction on the Scenic Heights property can be revised. Bowers responded that it could be looked into. St. Clair also suggested that the panels could possibly be installed on private property.

Johnson said she is in support of the project, and it is only a matter of finding the right location.

“I’m excited that someone’s looking at trying to do something like this in our county,” she said.

  • January 3, 2023