RON MUZZALL: Report from Olympia

State Senator Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor)
State Senator Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor)

State Senator Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor) sent out the following email from his official email account on Thu., Jan. 26, 2023.

Greetings from Olympia,

Friends, we are three weeks into the 2023 legislative session and we’re starting to get a clearer picture from the majority as to what significant issues the Legislature will be taking up, in addition to developing the state’s two-year operating budget. This early in session, the Senate is holding public hearings on bills, gaining public input on these proposals before they continue on in the process. All legislation that originated in the Senate must be voted out of committee by Feb. 17. After that point, the full Senate will weigh-in on the measures on the Senate floor.

State Sen. Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor) in committee

Staying in leadership and new committee responsibilities

You may have seen that I’m taking on some new responsibilities as your state Senator and was also re-elected to leadership as the Deputy Caucus Chair. I will continue to be on the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee, and as the ranking Republican on the Senate’s Agriculture, Water and Natural Resources Committee.

I will keep my position on the Senate Ways and Means Committee, which handles budget and taxation issues and retain a seat on the Senate Rules Committee, which controls which bills come to the floor for a vote by the entire Senate.

Public Safety

Washington Monthly Auto Thefts Jan. 2013 thru Dec. 2022 (graph)

While the public has been clear that we need to address historic, and rising crime across the state, getting a real discussion about fixing the problem is illusive in Olympia. What opponents are primarily objecting to is the new standard by which law enforcement can pursue suspected criminals. The misguided “reform” has created this public safety nightmare. Police from around the state were clear at the time this policy was being debated about the disastrous impacts. I’m hopeful we can find bipartisan agreement on this public safety reform like we tried to do last year, but the initial response isn’t heartening. Here is a recent story from KING 5 news about renewed efforts to empower law enforcement to keep our communities safe. 

Health care and a different epidemic

One big issue that I’ve spent the last couple of years unpacking is our state’s complex and dysfunctional health care system. That is why I’m focusing a great deal of my efforts on health care access and costs. A big driver of our state budget relates to Medicaid spending and it’s a big problem. We aren’t getting the most out of federal matching dollars and as such we are seeing a huge cost shift to private insurers, which in turn is driving up costs for everyone. This is a system-wide problem we must address to ensure our least fortunate neighbors get care and everyone else can afford care.

Senate Bill 5103 is a start to addressing this health care cost problem. This legislation, if passed, would help what are called difficult to discharge patients. These are low-income Washingtonians who are in a hospital awaiting discharge but have no other care facility to go to in the community. It would increase the reimbursement rate, which is currently abysmally low, to 70 percent of the hospital’s direct cost. This bipartisan bill received a public hearing last week.

Another health care issue I’m working on relates to the state’s opioid epidemic. This issue is near and dear to me as I’ve had friends in district whose lives have been gravely impacted by this scourge. I’ve sponsored legislation, Senate Bill 5022, this year to expand the use of fentanyl test strips. You can read a recent article on the topic by clicking here.

You can see a complete list of legislation that I’m sponsoring by clicking here.

My office is here to help where we can. Email continues to be the best way to contact me. It is an honor to serve you.


Ron Muzzall

Your 10th District State Senator

Ed. Note: we keep watch on the progress of Sen. Muzzall’s bills at this link.

  • January 26, 2023