Allen McPheeters

State Representative Greg Gilday (R-Camano Island) sent the following update from his official email account on Wed., Jan. 12, 2022. Dear Friends and Neighbors, The Washington State Legislature convened at noon on Monday, Jan. 10, starting the clock on a 60-day session. For the House of Representatives, at least for the first...

  • January 12, 2022

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account ( sent the following email on Mon., Jan. 10, 2022: Dear Friends,  The 2022 Legislative Session begins this week. I’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time over the last year to meet or email me about your policy priorities, feedback, and...

  • January 10, 2022

Brandon Stone reports in the Skagit Valley Herald: When state legislators representing Skagit County got together online Friday to tell constituents about their priorities for the 2022 legislative session, talk centered around housing and behavioral health. They Said It Rep. Greg Gilday, R-Camano Island, said the state simply doesn’t have...

  • January 8, 2022