CAMANO: 2024 Community Survey (SCSD)

The Stanwood-Camano School District posted this item in the news section of their website on Fri., Mar. 1, 2024.
Take our annual Community Survey
On March 1, we opened a brief survey to gather as many voices, opinions, and thoughts from throughout the community that will help us plan for and prioritize for the years ahead.
This annual survey was launched last year, and more than 1,300 responses helped us adjust our practices in several ways. Some of our adjustments, based on survey responses, include:
- How we communicate with students, families, and the community
- Where best to prioritize our investments in programs, services, and facilities
- More closely aligning our strategic planning to the community’s needs
In addition to sparing a few moments to take the survey, please share the link widely throughout the community. The more responses, the better!
The survey should take about 10 minutes, and all results will be anonymous. The survey closes on March 31.
Again, please share the link with your friends and neighbors who may not receive communication from us. We don’t want to miss anyone!
To take the survey, please CLICK HERE