CAMANO: Community Connections – Feb. 2, 2024 (SCSD)

Community Connections is a weekly email with news, events, and highlights from the Stanwood-Camano School District that is sent every Friday afternoon during the school year. Click here to receive future issues. Ed. Note: We excerpt those portions of Community Connections pertinent to the activities of the school board. For the full contents of the current edition of the newsletter, click this link.
Hello community members!
As we are in the final stretch toward election day for our Replacement Levy (ballots due by Feb. 13!), I want to express my appreciation and admiration for the questions, suggestions, thoughts, and ideas brought forward since November.
Your feedback and that of our community have helped us better communicate the why, what, and how of school levies. Regardless of the outcome, our efforts to provide factual information about the school district will continue to be our aim.
As we head into the second half of the school year, we will focus on the importance of attendance and its connection to student success.
School districts nationwide have seen a decline in student attendance since the pandemic that has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. We know that students missing about two days of school a month adds up to missing a whole month of school. We aim to better understand student absenteeism and design ways to support students and families.
We will continue to collect and review data on our progress toward our four district strategic plan goals:
- Early Learning
- Engagement
- Achievement
- Future-Ready Graduates
These data will be shared publicly. We are excited to share your efforts and our student’s success with the broader community.
Our promise is to ensure our students are empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and prepared for the future they choose!
Deborah Rumbaugh
School Board update
The next school board meeting is 1 p.m. Feb. 6.