CAMANO: Community Connections – Jan. 26, 2024 (SCSD)

Community Connections is a weekly email with news, events, and highlights from the Stanwood-Camano School District that is sent every Friday afternoon during the school year. Click here to receive future issues. Ed. Note: We excerpt those portions of Community Connections pertinent to the activities of the school board. For the full contents of the current edition of the newsletter, click this link.
Hello community members!
By now, ballots containing Proposition 1, the school district’s Replacement Levy, are landing in mailboxes.
As with all elections, we encourage you to make your voice known and complete your ballot. If there are questions about our levy, please click here for all the information we have provided over the past few months.
This week also marks the end of the first semester of the school year. It is hard to believe that we are at the halfway point!
We encourage you to keep in regular contact with your child’s school and teacher(s). It is our aim to support your students academically and socially between now and June.
— Deborah Rumbaugh, Superintendent
School Board update
The next school board meeting is 1 p.m. Feb. 6.