CAMANO: Important update for March 21, 2024 (SCSD)

The Stanwood-Camano School District posted this item in the news section of their website on Thu., Mar. 21, 2024.
Message from Superintendent Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh
As many of you know, equity policies were a topic during the March 19 school board study session. These policies are a vital tool in ensuring the success of every student in our district.
Our district’s Educational Equity Policy — and similar policies across the state — help us strengthen our commitment to our District Promise by providing a framework for dismantling barriers and creating individualized supports. Interactions between board members and our students and staff should align with our policies. We did not see this with all board members this week.
I firmly believe that our collective work in empowering every student creates a stronger and more equitable Stanwood-Camano School District. We will do the work necessary to ensure our actions match what we say we believe.
Thank you all for your support and commitment of this important work.
Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh
Message from the District Equity Team
We, the School District Equity Team, want to address comments and behavior exhibited at a recent school board study session on March 19.
Our Educational Equity Policy states that “The Board of Directors commits the district in its entirety to the core value of mutual respect for each person regardless of individual differences or characteristics. The district expects this value to be manifested in the daily behavior of all constituents. Discriminatory language and actions on district property or at district-sponsored activities by school directors, staff, parents, volunteers, contractors, or visitors are prohibited.”
We are disappointed that some members of our elected school board violated their own policy. During the board study session, mutual respect was not demonstrated toward students and staff. We expect board members will comply with and uphold district policies in their capacity as elected officials and to be held accountable according to the procedures outlined when policy violations occur.
District Equity Team
Satin Arnett
Crysty Auckland
David Choe
Rick Flores
Benjamin Gauyan
Michelle Huntley
Staci Lauinger
Kelly Parsons
Estevan Vivanco