CAMANO: Message about recent School Board action

The Stanwood-Camano School District posted this item in the news section of their website on Dec. 19, 2024.
We want to inform you about a recent decision made by the Stanwood-Camano School District Board of Directors and Superintendent Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh.
At a special board meeting held today, Dec. 18, the Board voted 3-0 with two abstentions to accept the amended resignation of Dr. Rumbaugh, agreeing to a mutual separation from service, not for cause. Her resignation will be effective January 1, 2025.
The Board has appointed Deputy Superintendent Ryan Ovenell to serve as Interim Superintendent. Mr. Ovenell has previously served as a teacher, principal, and Executive Director of Human Resources in the district.
No additional details were provided regarding the board’s decision. Previously, Dr. Rumbaugh announced on Nov. 5 her intention to resign at the end of June 2025.
Dr. Rumbaugh has served as Superintendent since July 1, 2021, leading initiatives focused on student achievement, equity, and community engagement. We want to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Rumbaugh for her leadership and dedication to the Stanwood-Camano community. Her commitment to providing every student with the opportunity to thrive and succeed has been clear in her work and vision for our schools.
We understand that this news may bring some questions or uncertainty. Please know that we remain steadfast in our focus on supporting your student’s learning and well-being. Our promise remains unchanged: Every student is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.
More information will be shared as it becomes available. Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to support your students and our school community.
Stanwood-Camano School District Administration Team:
Dr. Colin Ryan, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Ben Gauyan, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
Robert Hascall, Executive Director of Special Services
Ruth Floyd, Executive Director of Business Services
Christine Del Pozo, Executive Director of Human Resources