CAMANO: Message from the School Board president (SCSD)

The Stanwood-Camano School District posted this item in the news section of their website on Thu., Mar. 21, 2024.
As Stanwood-Camano School Board President, I would like to address and apologize for the comments made by some board members at a recent study session. These comments are not in accordance with our current board policies and agreements. As elected officials, we should exemplify civil discourse free of terms and statements that cause harm and division.
This did not happen at the March 19 study session. I acknowledge that our words matter and can cause harm.
Moving forward, we intend to use more careful, thoughtful, and knowledgeable language to affirm the experiences of our children. All children are worth investing in, and we pledge to do better.
Al Schreiber
Stanwood-Camano School District
Board President