CAMANO: Replacement Levy Info – Nov. 29, 2023 (SCSD)

The Stanwood-Camano School District is sending out weekly informational newsletters about their Feb. 2024 replacement levy ballot measure. See all of the issues at this link.
In this week’s levy update, let’s look at some of the positions and programs this replacement levy funds.
This levy would pay for staffing positions to maintain class sizes, to offer services the state doesn’t consider “basic education,” and to support our students.

Some specific examples:
- ATHLETICS — The levy funds the entirety of the district’s General Fund spending on athletics and clubs — as the state does not consider these part of “basic education.”
- SAFETY — The levy also pays for the district’s security and student supervision staff and its safety initiatives. This is also because the state provides minimal funding for safety and security projects and personnel.
- CLASS SIZES — Levy dollars also are used to add staff to each and every school building in our district, including teachers, paraeducators, counselors, nurses, and more. This helps maintain class sizes and allows for targeted interventions when needed.
Those expenditures are in addition to spending on transportation positions, technology personnel, and staff to serve student meals. This levy would replace the existing levy to help maintain the current level of services.
Below are specific examples of some of the funding gaps we currently use the existing levy dollars to help fill. (Measured in full-time equivalent, or FTE, except for coaches.)

Without the levy funding, the district would need to cut its budget.
There would likely be reductions in positions and elimination of programs. Where and to what degree classes and programs are reduced would be decided later with input from students, staff, and the community as part of a Budget Reduction Plan.
In next week’s levy update, we’ll look at how property taxes are calculated for levies and how much the levy would cost.
Read last week’s levy update message HERE.
On the Ballot in February 2024
Proposition No. 1 Replacement Levy |