SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: The Langley City Council recently approved some changes to its hefty list of citizen-led advisory commissions.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: The cyclone that hit Western Washington last week caused some damage to Oak Harbor’s already-deteriorating marina. Yet the cost of repairing this damage is a drop in the bucket to the major problems the 50-year-old marina is facing.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Recent survey results showed that Oak Harbor residents are concerned with public safety, infrastructure and job opportunities on the island.
SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: A sizeable housing development within Langley city limits is no longer moving forward in its current form. Last week, applicants for the Coles Valley Planned Unit Development, or PUD, decided to withdraw their application for the city’s consideration.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: The major changes within the Oak Harbor 2025-2026 biennial budget include an increase in the cost of water and more funds allocated to looming projects such as upgrading the marina. Oak Harbor City Councilor Bryan Stucky posted this to his Facebook page on November 23, 2024 7:47 am. Here is the application for the city council vacancy. I’m more than happy to talk with anyone who would like to know more about the position. Thank you for your interest...
SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: This week, the city council unanimously approved increases in utility rates for water, sewer and stormwater.
The Oak Harbor School District posted the agenda for their Nov. 25, 2024 board meeting.