The city of Langley is considering changing its organizational structure to hire a combined city administrator and clerk position. Langley currently has a mayor-council structure.
The League of Women Voters of Whidbey Island held a virtual candidate forum for legislative and county commissioner candidates on October 20, 2022.
The Island County Democrats sent an email to supporters on Oct. 20, 2022 announcing a Civility First event and an opening on the board of commissioners for the Port of Coupeville.
The Whidbey News-Times ran an half-page ad from the Whidbey Island Democratic Club in their Oct. 19, 2022 edition.
The Whidbey News-Times ran an quarter-page ad for Commissioner Janet St. Clair in their Oct. 19, 2022 edition.
The League of Women Voters of Whidbey Island held a virtual candidate forum for Island County candidates on October 18, 2022.
The race for the 10th Legislative District’s Position 1 state House of Representatives seat in the Nov. 8 election sees incumbent Greg Gilday, R-Stanwood, challenged by political newcomer Clyde Shavers, D-Oak Harbor.