Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) wrote a “Sound Off” column for the Whidbey News-Times expressing her concern over the reduction of service on the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry route. The column appeared in the paper’s Oct. 27 edition. They Said It Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon: I am genuinely concerned about...
Three proposed levies totaling nearly $18.5 million passed a first reading by the Coupeville School Board. A second reading is scheduled for the November board meeting. The levies are for capital projects, school district technology and operations. For a breakdown of the proposed levies, and an estimate on how much...
Island County Commissioners have approved a grant of $70k to the Low Income Housing Institute that will go towards “predevelopment costs” associated with the Institute’s proposal to purchase the Harbor Inn in Freeland and turn it into 10 low-income units. Also, the commissioners approved asking the Washington state Housing Trust...
Patrick Kennedy and Mike Seraphinoff have stepped forward to run for the Port of Coupeville Board Position 3 that will be vacant this year. Incumbent Mohammad Mostafavinassab is not seeking reelection. Kennedy says his priority would be to enhance the Port’s current assets. He said, “I understand several years back...
Oak Harbor Mayor Bob Severns went through a PowerPoint presentation at the City Council meeting that addressed the City Council’s no-confidence vote in City Administrator Blain Oborn. Mayor Severns went through each point raised by the council’s motion of no-confidence to explain the reasons why the complaints were either misleading...
The Langley City Council discussed a proposed 2022 budget which includes a projected 6.3% cost-of-living adjustment for all city employees and a $25,000 increase in the Mayor’s pay from $55k to $80K. The budget also included a proposal to double the $50-per-month stipend each city councilmember recieves. Langley Finance Director...
Tiny Houses in the Name of Christ is petitioning the city council in asking for a refund of a portion of the $80,500 they paid in permit fees and water/sewer connection fees for nine tiny homes on a piece of property within the Langley city limits. The group paid the...
Oak Harbor City Councilmember Joel Servatius and 4 candidates who are running for seats on the City Council discussed several issues including affordable housing, public art and constituent communication at a forum hosted by the League of Women Voters last week. Each person had much to say about their positions...