Kira Erickson profiles the candidates for South Whidbey Fire/EMS Commissioner position 3. Jim Towers, a former firefighter with the district, and Savannah Erickson, a former Federal Emergency Management Agency spokesperson, are vying for the seat on the fire district board. Erickson notes that both candidates may end up as commissioners....
Special Districts
The Port of Coupeville is proposing to create an Industrial Development District that will encompass all the land in the entire port district. The creation of this district will allow the board members to raise taxes without going to the ballot. See the story by Karina Andrew in the South...
South Whidbey school board candidates Farrah Manning Davis and Dawn Tarantino shared their vision for the district at a private luncheon on Friday. …the two candidates focused their remarks primarily on such issues as academic quality, facility maintenance and the availability of trade-oriented electives. For all the details, see the...
During a port meeting this past Tuesday, Commissioner Curt Gordon presented an idea that would help bring workforce housing to the Whidbey Island Fairgrounds in Langley…. Gordon pointed out that the concession stands, located along the fair midway, are in need of being upgraded. He proposed building a new structure...
Oak Harbor’s growth has impacted the fire and police departments’ abilities to maintain service. See Emily Gilbert’s story for the full details. They said it: Council members voiced their support for the upgrades [recommended by the police and fire chiefs], but Mayor Pro Tem Beth Munns cautioned that the timing...
Whidbey Hospital District board president Ron Wallin responds to a recent News-Times article about a negative report from the State Auditor.
U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Arlington, visited Whidbey Island on Tuesday to stop by the sites of two local projects for which he has earmarked nearly half a million dollars in federal funding. The appropriations bill has passed the House and is awaiting review by the Senate. If passed, the bill...
The South Whidbey School Board did not come to a decision this week about whether to reinstate the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of regular meetings. The board conducted a lengthy discussion of the topic during the Sept. 8 workshop. Board Chairman Brook Willeford led off the discussion with...