
https://www.facebook.com/122126248646301891/posts/122159247848301891https://www.islandcountywa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/3166/Island-County-Biking-Map-pdf?bidId= Thank you to a member of the Whidbey Cyclists today for your discussion about bike lanes and bike access around Whidbey. P.S. Someone last week thought I meant to replace cars with bikes. In case others were unclear, I want to see more bike lanes and protected paths for...

  • October 4, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/posts/1050451847088977Housing…. My opponent is using this quote as an example of how I am “out of touch” with the housing struggles our communities are facing. I 100% disagree. I think this was a sympathetic quote in response to a generation facing rising housing prices and I am thankful and acknowledging...

  • October 3, 2024