
https://www.facebook.com/397354233351811/posts/413239028429998Talking with lots of voters today! Please vote, then remind your friends and family to vote! It’s also legal to collect and turn in ballots for others in Washington State (RCW 29A.40.091). Liking and sharing our social media content really helps get out the word too! We can do this!...

  • July 27, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/397354233351811/posts/412746788479222Honored to receive the endorsement of the Washington Food Industry Association! I will work to lower the cost of groceries by repealing unaffordable energy taxes adding on higher costs. Additionally, we must crack down on shoplifting with increased public safety. Families and individuals deserve food security, and grocery stores &...

  • July 26, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/922761039657157/posts/934601745139753Ballots have been mailed and be sure to return your ballot ASAP. Thank you for your support! You can find voter guides for each county here: Island County: https://voter.votewa.gov/GenericVoterGuide.aspx?e=888&c=15#/ Skagit County: https://voter.votewa.gov/genericvoterguide.aspx?e=888&c=99#/ Snohomish County: https://issuu.com/snocovotes/docs/august_24_lvp_final_issuu_dc_links_?fr=sYzBiOTc0NTEzMjY

  • July 24, 2024