Chief Yengoyan shared a brief update with the community about what’s next for the department in 2024.
Sen. Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor) sent a fundraising email from his campaign account on Mon., Nov. 27, 2022.
Island County Commissioner Jill Johnson (R-Oak Harbor) wrote a Sound Off column for the Whidbey News-Times discussing the county’s 2024-25 Comprehensive Plan Update.
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent an email announcing a fundraising event to supporters on Sun., Nov. 19, 2023.
The Board of Fire Commissioners officially swore in its newest member Monday night, Nov. 13.
Election results for Camano Island offices and measures as of Nov. 9, 2023. Data comes from the Secretary of State’s website.
Port Commissioner Curt Gordon wrote a Sound Off column for the South Whidbey Record outlining the Port’s acquisition and management of the county fairgrounds.
Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent recap of the week to constituents on Fri., Nov. 10, 2023.