WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: The race for District 10 state senator has grown even closer. Janet St. Clair’s lead over Sen. Ron Muzzall is razor thin following the ballot count Wednesday night.
https://www.facebook.com/489977723571336/posts/578992091336565Hi everybody, I wanted to share a few thoughts while we wait for more ballots to be counted in our race. I am, like many of you, very sad to see the Republican victories at the Presidential level and in the U.S. Senate. I am still hopeful that we will...
Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair (D-Langley) sent an email to constituents on Wed., Nov. 6, 2024, announcing two virtual meetings taking place on Nov. 12th and 14th.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: It appears that a blue wave swept across Island County and state Legislative District 10, according to the first count of ballots in the General Election.
STANWOOD CAMANO NEWS: Stanwood-Camano School District Superintendent Deborah Rumbaugh announced her resignation at a school board meeting Tuesday.
https://www.facebook.com/922761039657157/posts/1003541671579093Everyone deserves to feel safe in our community, and Dave is working closely with first responders, local elected officials, and community members to improve public safety. This included funding for a new training academy in Arlington to help with the growing demand for law enforcement.
https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/posts/1077360807731414Tomorrow, November 5, is Election Day. Wednesday, November 6, is my Birthday. Not sure what to get me? This one’s easy….turn in your ballot and VOTE, preferably for me…no one wants to be sad on their Birthday! Happy Voting!!
https://www.facebook.com/489977723571336/posts/577656014803506Tomorrow is Election Day. How can you make a difference? One simple action-vote. Your voice, your vote. If you haven’t yet turned in your ballot, find a ballot box near you and make sure it is in the box by 8 pm. To find a ballot box near you, and...