Richard MacQuarrie, a local political activist and the principal of the Parabellum Strategy Group, interviewed Marie Shimada (D-Clinton), candidate for Island County Commissioner in District 1 (Central and South Whidbey).
People Thank you to a member of the Whidbey Cyclists today for your discussion about bike lanes and bike access around Whidbey. P.S. Someone last week thought I meant to replace cars with bikes. In case others were unclear, I want to see more bike lanes and protected paths for...
Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent her weekly recap to constituents on Fri., Oct. 4, 2024.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Community members are invited to provide input for the Port of Coupeville’s Industrial Development District levy rate for the 2025 tax year.
The Island County Democrats sent an email to supporters about various election-related topics on Oct. 3, 2024.…. My opponent is using this quote as an example of how I am “out of touch” with the housing struggles our communities are facing. I 100% disagree. I think this was a sympathetic quote in response to a generation facing rising housing prices and I am thankful and acknowledging... week I made a post that was meant to be humorous, but a local account shared it in a way that is not reflective of the campaign I wish to run. I removed it as a result. Part of campaigning as a first-time candidate is learning and growing. Admittedly,...