CITY OF LANGLEY: Langley bank data released accidentally (SWR)

South Whidbey Record
Langley Mayor Scott Chaplin
Langley Mayor Scott Chaplin

Kira Erickson reports from the City of Langley.

Despite the accidental posting of sensitive financial information that went unnoticed for several months, the city of Langley has seen no indication of fraudulent activity.

A document in an agenda packet for a meeting in April 2022 of the city’s citizen-led Finance and Personnel Commission contained the banking account number and information for the treasurer’s account, which is used for day-to-day transactions.

They Said It

[Mayor Scott Chaplin] took full responsibility for the error, which was brought to his attention during a December city council meeting by an eagle-eyed member of the public.

Chaplin said the error came about because the council wanted the finance commission to work on bank reconciliations each month. He added that it was his mistake to allow the account documents to go in the packet without redacting the sensitive information.

  • January 6, 2023