New roundabout in the works for Highway 20 intersection | Whidbey News-Times


Oak Harbor City Councilor Bryan Stucky

Oak Harbor City Councilor Bryan Stucky posted this to his Facebook page on .

An FYI about the roundabout at Fakkema and 20. This has been talked about for sometime and they are starting to ramp up…though completion is looking at another year.

For those who may not be aware HWY 20 is maintained by state DOT NOT the city. While DOT may ask for input, where they decide to put roundabouts is at their discretion.

I continue to ask whenever the opportunity presents itself about the “Worst” (or at least my opinion the worst) traffic area in the city: Swantown and 20. Hopefully we can encourage DOT to help out with that intersection in the future.

Pre-construction has begun for a roundabout on Highway 20 and West Fakkema Road.

  • June 21, 2024